The Board’s Role in Fundraising

“Should my board help me raise funds?” The obvious answer is yes, of course, they should! Now comes the hard part. Getting the board to actually raise money is a lot tougher than simply saying they should. Many nonprofits, of all sizes and types of missions, overlook the basic steps necessary to engage the board […]

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Mindfulness Attitudes – Acceptance

  Acceptance is a very active process, there is nothing passive about it, it’s not passive resignation but an act of recognition that things are the way they are… Acceptance doesn’t mean we can’t work to change the world or circumstances, but it means that unless we accept things as they are, we will try […]

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The Relationship Between Insurance and Finance

Insurance and finance are closely interwoven fields of business, not least because they both involve money. They also often both involve speculation and risk, and often where one goes, the other will follow. Take property investment, for example, it involves a large amount of capital outlay, swiftly followed by insurance to protect the capital investment. […]

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Information to Nonprofit Fundraising

Introduction Nonprofit fundraising is a sophisticated matter and a vital operation. Nonprofits are in a singular place from companies in that they can not worth their services and products to, properly, make a revenue. Working budgets have to be conceived from different sources than program revenues. This can be information targeted on fundraising for nonprofits. […]

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Tips for Strategic Fundraising Planners

Fundraising may sound like a simple event with small activities aimed at attracting people to chip in for something you believe in. In reality, fundraising can be anything but simple. Any professional fundraiser would tell you how detailed and intricate the whole process is. For a fundraiser to be a success, it must come with […]

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The Power of Cultural Symbolism

Everywhere we look in society we see forms of symbolic representation which identify and illustrate our cultural ethos. Symbols that we use, as distinct from signs, carry multiple meanings depending on the context and culture in which they appear. A symbol can be a gesture, an object or a ritual that informs solidifies and influences […]

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Sports Fundraising Ideas That Could Help You Raise More Funds

It makes no difference whether you are a small group or a big one, all that matters is how hard you try to raise funds for your sports team and to find some sports fundraising ideas that will help you achieve your goals in the most direct way possible. And all you need to do […]

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Movie The Wailing: A South Korean Horror Flick That Defies The Genre!

During the ongoing age of the pandemic, there’s been hardly any activity concerning the big screens and the new hot weekly releases, and movie buffs really miss the coveted visits to the theatres. However, if one is not so strained about watching movies on computers or on mobile screens then one can still have lots […]

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The Difference Between Digital Books and Ebooks

Most people today, don’t know the difference between a digital book and an ebook. In fact, many people think they are one and the same. They couldn’t be farther from the truth. They are entirely different species of the same animal. Digital books Digital books, sometimes also called electronic books or PDF books, are scanned, […]

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