First of all, let me state my disclaimer: I am NOT a movie critic, nor do I pretend to be. However, I am a lover of quality and films are no exception. The King’s Speech is at the epitome of genius filmmaking – cinematography, acting, music and costumes. However, it’s the powerful storyline that caused […]
By definition, crowdfunding is a method of financing a business venture by raising monetary contributions from a large number of people. It is mostly achieved with the use of the internet through websites that allow business people to raise money, but the concept can also be carried out through other means. Of recent, crowdfunding has […]
Film schools around the world are mainly focused on teaching the technical aspects of filmmaking. These areas include art direction, cinematography, digital media, editing, directing the actors, directing the camera, theatre acting, and even critical studies in film. An essential aspect of filmmaking is managing the entire show which means putting everything together as every […]
Guys know one thing: Sometimes an erect penis has a mind of its own. Most men have had an experience in which a very insistent erection has reached the point where the penis has almost released seed while the man was still clothed, which would result in the oft-discussed “creaming in jeans” scenario. While a […]
Veerana is a Hindi horror movie that releases in the eighties. Even after fifty years, the movie is very popular among horror fiction fans. Veerana isn’t just popular, it’s valuable as well. The DVDs for the movie aren’t available as easily as they should be, and you can’t use the Veerana poster under the Creative […]
Stanley Kubrick (1928-1999) was undeniably one of the most brilliant and innovative motion picture directors of all time. His meticulously crafted works have influenced innumerable filmmakers all over the world, from Steven Spielberg to Gaspar Noe. Obviously, entire books have been written about Kubrick’s oeuvre, so let us focus here on the peak of his […]
Today, youngsters love watching movies. As a matter of fact, cinematography is an important part of the life of a lot of people just like their favourite hobbies. You can improve or ruin your life by watching movies. However, it may have no impact on your life. In this article, we are going to discuss […]
“Maybe Some Other Time” “ The Travellers” “Killing Mad Dogs” Woman: the contrast between tradition and modernityThis article pays to the narration analysis of three films of Bahram Beizai’s cinematic works whose names are: Maybe Some Other Time, Travellers and the Killing mad Dogs, having been constructed between 66 to 79 time intervals. The principle […]
Most writers follow the set conventions and style of writing set by the former writers, but some breakthroughs such set conventions in order to bring innovation. The innovative short story is sometimes termed avant-garde, experimental, or unconventional fiction. In this article, you will learn about this “innovative” aspect of the story and its development. Innovative […]
Are you a cinematographer or a videographer?’ This is a question that is asked many times. It is difficult to distinguish between the two. The terms are often used interchangeably. This can be very frustrating for many people who want to hire a professional and simply want to have high-quality productions at the end of […]