Our Rules
We welcome and support projects from a variety of categories: Art, Comics, Crafts, Dance, Design, Fashion, Film & Video, Food, Games, Journalism, Music, Photography, Publishing, Technology, and Theatre. Here are five rules every Indie project must follow.
Projects must create something to share with others.
Indie Birds can be used to create all sorts of things: art and gadgets, events and spaces, ideas and experiences. But every project needs a plan for creating something and sharing it with the world. At some point, the creator should be able to say: “It’s finished. Here’s what we created. Enjoy!”
Projects must be honest and clearly presented.
Our community is built on trust and communication. Projects can’t mislead people or misrepresent facts, and creators should be candid about what they plan to accomplish. When a project involves manufacturing and distributing something complex, like a gadget, we require projects to show backers a prototype of what they’re making, and we prohibit photorealistic renderings.
Projects can’t fundraise for charity.
While nonprofits are welcome to launch projects on Indie Birds, projects can't promise to raise funds to donate to a charity or cause. Funds raised on Indie birds must go towards facilitating the project outlined by the creator on the project page.
Projects can't offer equity.
Investment is not permitted on Indie birds. Projects can't offer incentives like equity, revenue sharing, or investment opportunities.
Projects can't involve prohibited items.
We do not allow any of these things.
These rules don’t cover every possible use of Indie Birds, but they explain our purpose and perspective.